Having trouble keeping your basement dry due to water collecting on the floor? A great solution to this problem is to use a sump pump. This device, which sits in a pit at the lowest point of your basement, collects any water on the surface of the floor and directs it outside of your house. This article takes a look at some of the key issues involved with using a sump pump in your basement.
A critical factor regarding sumps pumps is drainage. Where are you going to direct the water that the pump removes from your basement? You don't want to simply release the water to your yard, as this will create a soggy, muddy mess on your property. Nor do you want to direct the water to the municipal sewer drains because this can overload the municipal system.
The best answer is to install a dry well. This is involves placing a perforated barrel under your soil and running pipes underground from the sump pump to the barrel. The water is dispersed into the ground by the dry well, which avoids making a mess of your lawn. Although it's possible to do the job yourself, it's a rather difficult task perhaps best left to a professional.
Every sump pump needs to be backed up. The device runs on electricity and if a storm hits, you could face a power outage in addition to severe basement flooding. One excellent option is to have a generator that runs on natural gas or propane as a backup. This is rather expensive, however. A cheaper alternative is to install a backup device that operates on batteries.
Inspect your sump pump regularly to make certain that the discharge line and inlet screen are not clogged. Clean any debris and dirt out of the pit in which the pump sits. Pour a bucket of water into the pit to test the pump. The pump's float should rise as the water gets higher. Make certain that the pumping action commences during the procedure. Also, once a year, turn off the pump's power source and remove the device from the pit. Flush the pump with water to clean it.
One absolutely crucial aspect of operating a sump pump is insurance. In the event that the sump systems fails and you suffer damage from flooding, your homeowner's insurance might not provide coverage. You can purchase a rider specially to cover any sump pump failure, however, if your current policy does not offer this type of protection.
Sump pumps are a great way to make sure your basement stays dry. Contact plumber a like Hilmans Plumbing for more information about this topic.